What is DramaHE
DramaHE represents the interests of drama, theatre, and performance in the Higher Education sector of the United Kingdom.
Established in 1972 as the Standing Conference of University Drama Departments (SCUDD), our members voted unanimously in June 2022 to rebrand as DramaHE. DramaHE builds on the legacy of its SCUDD years and continues to act as a mediating body with organisations such as the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) and funding councils, the AHRC and the Arts Councils, and is consulted by such organisations when matters of future policy are discussed and decided. As the representative body for teaching and research in drama, theatre, and performance, DramaHE is concerned, above all, to promote the multi-disciplined areas represented by its membership. We aim, among others, to:
- Provide a forum for professional and scholarly debate for those involved in the subject of drama, theatre, performing arts and related subjects at higher education level.
- Advance, promote, maintain and improve the education of the public and those involved in teaching, researching and/or supporting the area of drama, theatre, performing arts and/or related subjects in higher education
- Provide resources and support to help educate the next generation of practitioners and researchers, so they can make a positive impact on society through their knowledge and craft.

Where we’re from
The fields of drama, theatre and performance are one of the most important contributors to the UK’s cultural economy.
Latest calls for papers
Working in the field of drama, theatre and performance leads to multiple avenues for work, experience and, importantly, fun. In higher education, the UK can proudly boast of its world-leading research, scholarship and teaching in this field.
Working in the field of drama, theatre and performance leads to multiple avenues for work, experience and, importantly, fun. In higher education, the UK can proudly boast of its world-leading research, scholarship and teaching in this field.
Activities & Campaigns
The inclusion in the curriculum of Drama as a Foundation Subject in the National Curriculum with the same status as Art and Music.

This page will be updated soon.

Scudd REF 2021 Slides REF 2021 Review: Building on success and learning from experience – an i…

This page will be updated soon.

In early 2015, the newly formed Diversity in the Discipline Working Group at SCUDD gave itself the t…

Letter to Roehampton’s VC Open Letter to Wolverhampton

Drama and Theatre Education Matter: hear young voices
The future of Drama and Theatre Education in schools, theatres and universities is deeply concerning…

Being a DramaHE member
institutions in the UK who provide degree-level courses in Theatre/Performance disciplines are welcome to join the DramaHE family. For further information, please contact the DramaHE secretary via our contact form.
A channel to represent the concerns and defend the interests of the subject domain and provide a forum for professional and scholarly debate for higher education teachers and researchers
The opportunity to influence, collectively as a discipline, HE policy via consultations, representation on national bodies and lobbying.
Who are our members?
Our members are listed below in regional and alphabetical order. The name and email address of each institution’s DramaHE Rep is also included.
DramaHE Executive
DramaHE business is managed on a day-to-day basis by an Executive. Elections to the Executive are normally held in January each year by a majority vote of each member department/unit.
Career development committee
DramaHE offers support to early career academics through Early Career panels at its annual conference. Additionally, we hold a mailing list of early career academics, and we are always happy to add someone new to the list.