15 September, 2023 | by Rushi P
This document provides guidelines for SCUDD member organisations who wish to host the annual SCUDD conference. It provides guidance for conferences taking place from 2017/18 onwards. As agreed at the SCUDD Annual General Meeting on June 21, 2016 and ratified with the membership online
Friday 22nd September 2023
Saturday 16th September 2023
This document provides guidelines for SCUDD member organisations who wish to host the annual SCUDD conference. It provides guidance for conferences taking place from 2017/18 onwards. As agreed at the SCUDD Annual General Meeting on June 21, 2016 and ratified with the membership online, each year a representative from the host institution (the Host Rep) will be co-opted onto the SCUDD Executive (the Exec) for the period of 12 months, running from September-September. The information provided below outlines key information for the host intuition and the host representative. THE SCUDD CONFERENCE From 2017/18 onwards, the SCUDD conference will normally run for two days in June. The conference provides the opportunity for members to discuss topics related to our discipline and its place within the wider context of Higher Education: learning and teaching, research and practice, policy etc. It offers a space for Working Groups to debate and update the membership on their activities. And it is also a chance for host departments to celebrate or highlight discipline-specific practices and issues that are of importance to them. Finally, the conference encompasses the Annual General Meeting of SCUDD, in which the general business of the organisation is discussed. The conference is open to the membership (i.e. member departments) and invited guests. Usually, there will be a total of 5 sessions, plus a keynote address and the AGM. These sessions include 2 given to Working Groups; 1 proposed by the Exec; and 2 proposed by the host institution. As a general guide, the structure of the conference typically follows the pattern outlined below. Day 1: keynote and three sessions;* Day 2: AGM and two sessions. *There is often a performance (organised/booked by the Host Rep) scheduled ahead of the conference dinner at the end of Day 1. The AGM should be allocated 2:00-2:30 hours in the schedule, normally on Day 2. The length and timing of the other sessions within the schedule will depend on a number of factors, including number of speakers, nature of the session, and location of the conference (transport links might dictate a late start or an early finish, for instance). There is of course a degree of flexibility within the design of the event, and we welcome proposals from the Host Rep regarding alternative structures. ADMINISTRATION The Host Rep will have conference organisation duties relating to her or his institution, including preparing the programme, inviting speakers, booking space and catering, printing materials and preparing conference packs, providing accommodation suggestions, making arrangements for the conference dinner and the timely setting up of a registration/booking system for the conference. They will liaise with the Exec in the form of: Close liaison with the Vice Chair to support planning and delivery Close liaison with Secretary about attendance Close liaison with the Treasurer regarding finances Key dates: Rep to be co-opted into the Exec at the September Executive meeting 1st draft programme by Christmas 2nd draft programme by April executive meeting Programme finalised and registration open in the first week of May Conference to take place in June Accounts to be closed (and end of executive role for Host Rep) by September executive meeting Feedback from outgoing Host Rep and Vice Chair at September executive meeting FINANCE SCUDD will provide up to £4,000 to support the conference.** This provision is expected to enable free registration for SCUDD Representatives and one colleague from their institution (and up to an attendance of 90 delegates) for a two day conference. Expected costs include: Keynote speakers’ travel and accommodation Lunch and refreshment costs for the two days Printing and other administrative costs What the SCUDD provision does not cover: Accommodation costs (delegates to pay) Cost of conference dinner (delegates to pay) Use of host organisation space*** Through liaison with the SCUDD Treasurer, the Host Rep will determine how best to manage the cost of hosting the event. ** Whilst £4,000 is offered to support the delivery of the conference, it is hoped that Host Departments can deliver the two day event to or under budget. *** In instances where Host Departments have to pay for the hire of University spaces we understand that it may not be possible to deliver a free, two day event within the £4,000 budget. Discussions with the Executive Committee will determine how best to cover these additional costs.
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