20 September, 2023 | by Jemimah Jacobs
The Society for Pirandello Studies Annual Conference.
Pirandello and revolutions in contemporary science, philosophy, epistemology and aesthetics
Saturday 19 October 2019
Institute of Modern Languages Research
School of Advanced Study | University of London
Senate House
The annual one-day conference of the Society for Pirandello Studies aims to embrace a wide variety of methods and approaches to Pirandello’s œuvre, and to bring together theatre professionals, critics and scholars representing a range of disciplines. This year’s conference focusses on revolutions in contemporary science, philosophy, epistemology and aesthetics. Particularly welcome are contributions that relate Pirandello’s texts to different media and/or genres. Abstracts of c.200 words (in English) for papers of 20 minutes’ duration should be sent to Dr Enza De Francisci at [email protected] [email protected].
The deadline for abstracts is Friday 13 September 2019.
For further information about The Society for Pirandello Studies, including membership and Pirandello Studies (the annual journal), please visit our website at https://www.ucd.ie/pirsoc/ and Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SocietyForPirandelloStudies
Dr Enza De Francisci
Lecturer, Translation Studies
Programme Director, MSc Translation Studies https://www.gla.ac.uk/study/nankai/study/translationstudies/ of the Glasgow-Nankai Joint Graduate School
University of Glasgow School of Modern Languages and Cultures Hetherington Building, Room 309A Bute Gardens Glasgow G12 8RS Tel.: 0141 330 5598 Email: [email protected]