21 September, 2023 | by Rushi P

Critical Stages/Scènes critiques Critical Stages/Scènes critiques

JUNE 2021 Critical Stages/Scènes critiques

EssaysCritical Stages/Scènes critiques essays

Section Editor: Yana Meerzon (Canada)

The “ESSAY SECTION” is dedicated to urgent issues related to theater and performance making, ways of thinking and writing about theatre and performing arts, ways of viewing and reflecting practices, pedagogies of performance and text analysis, practices of dramaturgy, interdisciplinarity, transcultural approaches and digitalization of communication practices in theatre and cultural performance, among other issues. The aim of the ESSAY SECTION is to offer a broader practical, aesthetic, historical and theoretical outlet to those interested in recent developments in theatre and performance across national and disciplinary boundaries.

Critical Stages/Scènes critiques is a peer-reviewed on-line journal fully committed to the Open Access Initiative. Inquiries, abstracts and submissions are to be sent to the editor of this section. Yana Meerzon (University of Ottawa) at [email protected]

Production Calendar for June 2021 publication:

Abstracts (250 words) and Bio (100 words) – October 15, 2020

Complete Articles (up to 5000 words) – December 15, 2020

Peer-Review Process – January / February 2021

Second Draft based on Reviews’ Comments – March 1, 2021

Technical Editing – April/May 2021

Publication Date – June 2021